Anonymous.| Bartsch, Karl. | Boren, George (London Chapbook of 1590)
Colshorn, Carl and Theodor. | Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. | Haas, A.
Kuhn, Adalbert. | Kuhn, A., and Schwartz, W. | Lyncker, Karl.
Mullenhoff, Karl. | Schoppner, Alexander. | Temme, J. D. H.
The Werewolves in GreifswaldJ. D. H. TemmeTwo hundred years ago for a time there was a frightfully large number of werewolves in the city of Greifswald. They were especially prevelant in Rokover Street. From there they attacked anyone who appeared outside of their houses after eight o'clock in the evening. At that time there were a lot of venturesome students in Greifswald. They banded together and one night set forth against the monsters. At first they were powerless against them, until finally the students brought together all of the silver buttons that they had inherited, and with these they killed the werewolves.
The Werewolf near ZarnowJ. D. H. TemmeIn the vicinity of Zarnow a few years ago a terrible wolf was on the loose and was causing great harm to humans and cattle. Once he even ripped a child to pieces. Then all the peasants of the region banded together and pursued him, finally surrounding him in some brush. They were about to kill him when suddenly a large strange man with a club appeared before them. Then they knew that they had a werewolf before them. This happened in the year 1831.
The Werewolf in HindenburgJ. D. H. TemmeOne still believes in werewolves in the Altmark. Even today in the village of Hindenburg they tell about a man who could turn himself into a wolf, and there are people still alive who knew him during their childhood.He had a strip of leather made from wolf skin which still had its hair. Whenever he tied it around his body, he turned into a wolf. Then he had such extraordinary strength that he could pull an entire load of hay by himself or grab a whole ox in his mouth and carry it away. In this state he had the nature of a wolf. He strangled cattle and even ate humans. He once pursued one of his neighbors, who narrowly escaped from him. But however furious he became, he did spare his wife. She knew a magic charm that brought him under control, a charm that he himself had taught her. Then she would take off the leather strip, and he would become a reasonable human once again.
(c) Andrew Telezhnikov. e-mail: